3 Ways an Answering Service Benefits Your Business

Jun 7, 2024 | Uncategorized


You have a business to run. As much as you want to be available to your clients and customers 24/7, that’s simply not possible. You’ll miss calls while you eat, sleep, and talk to current customers or leads on another line. The bottom line is: you simply can’t do it all.

Voicemail might seem like the perfect solution, but the reality is 80% of callers who encounter voicemail won’t leave a message. They’ll either plan to call back—or they’ll find a company that answers the phone. 

The solution? An answering service.


The Benefits of Using an Answering Service

Because you’ve been so hands-on with your business to this point, an answering service probably hasn’t been on your radar. How could you trust anyone—especially an answering service—to know how to speak with your customers? 

Believe it or not, there are several benefits to working with an answering service, and the number one reason is that your new and current customers might just become loyal advocates for your brand. Let’s examine this and several other reasons.

Make New Customers Advocates

As much as a potential customer or long-time buyer wants to talk to you, they’ll settle for just about anyone but a voicemail system. Talking to a real person makes them feel heard and valued.   

The right answering service will take the time to learn your business so they can speak knowledgeably, meaning those buyers who call after hours or over the weekend will never know they’re not speaking to someone right there in your office. They’ll have their questions answered right away, which prompts them to remain a customer rather than searching for answers elsewhere.

Save on Hiring

You may think that simply hiring an in-house receptionist for after hours and weekends is a better option. When you consider that hiring a new employee can cost between $4,000 and $15,000, depending on the amount of training needed—and that’s on top of the salary and benefits—you could come to the conclusion that outsourcing is a more financially viable idea.

By working with an answering service, you can be sure that every call is answered every time. No one will be sent to voicemail because the other line was in use. No one will be put on hold for an indefinite amount of time. And, again, your customers will reward you for making sure they’re heard.

Focus on Your Business

As we said from the beginning, you have a business to run. If you’re worried about catching every phone call, you certainly can’t focus on strategy and growth. You can’t focus on developing new products or services. You can’t focus on marketing your business, or hiring new employees. No, with your eyes and ears on the phone at all times, your business could fall by the wayside.


With an answering service, you can get back to what you were meant to do. Building your business to serve your community, your family, and your employees. With all of this to consider, it really seems like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? Great Lakes Communications has over 20 years of answering service experience. No matter the day or time, your calls will be answered by a live, experienced agent located in the USA. We will work with you to customize your experience with us; answering the way you would like and gathering the information that you need. Visit our services and contact us to see if we are the right fit for your business.