Great Lakes Communications Demonstrates Its Support of Women by Raising Money for the 2024 Sojourner Truth Walk

May 14, 2024 | Uncategorized

As a women-owned business, supporting charitable causes that help women is important to us. We’re proud to share that Great Lakes Communications will keep up our tradition of participating in the Walk for Sojourner Truth House this year on June 8th.

Sojourner Truth House’s mission of helping the homeless, at-risk women and their children is close to our heart. This amazing organization plays a pivotal role in moving these women and their children into safe, affordable housing. Sojourner Truth House also provides meals, basic essentials, classes, activities and entrepreneurial opportunities. Women get to experience these benefits in a safe, nurturing environment that truly sets these women up for success.

And by uplifting women, Sojourner Truth House uplifts their community. Through enriching and improving these women’s lives, the organization gives the community people who have the resources and skills to make it better.

This year, Sojourner Truth House celebrates its 25th anniversary – making our participation in the walk even more special to us! If you’re interested in donating, you can do through our donation link. One hundred percent of the funds that we raise in Sherry’s name will get donated to Sojourner Truth House. If you choose to donate directly through the Sojourner Truth House page, please select Sherry Langdeau as the recipient.

If you or anyone you know is interested in joining us at the walk, we’d love to see you there! Details are below.

The 2024 Walk for Sojourner Truth House takes place:

  • When? June 8th starting at 9 a.m. CST. Registration opens at 8 a.m
  • Where? Sojourner Truth House. 410 West 13th Avenue, Gary, Indiana 46407

Great Lakes Communications is a 100% women-owned business with an official Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) certification. As such, we recognize the importance of supporting women in any way we can. Sojourner Truth House is a perfect example of one of the ways we continually strive to help women fulfill their potential.